Letter from Chief Elections Officer

September 11, 2018

Dear Fellow Voters:

I am pleased to submit to you San Mateo County’s Election Administration Plan (EAP) for the implementation of the California Voter’s Choice Act (Senate Bill 450).  This landmark legislation authorizes 14 counties, including San Mateo, to conduct any election as an All Mailed Ballot/Vote Center Election, commencing January 2018.  San Mateo County is proud to have been one of the five counties in the state that conducted the June 5, 2018 Statewide Direct Primary Election under the provisions of the California Voter’s Choice Act.

San Mateo County’s EAP is the culmination of an extensive community review and input process spanning over the course of several months.  The plan was developed with the goal of providing the public detailed information on the administration of elections under the California Voter’s Choice Act.  It also incorporates the County’s Voter Education and Outreach Plan, detailing plans to increase accessibility to all voters, particularly voters with disabilities and language minorities.

The EAP was developed in consultation with members of the general public and the County’s Voting Accessibility Advisory Committee, Language Accessibility Advisory Committee and Voter Education and Outreach Advisory Committee.  Additionally, the document incorporates comments received during the course of three public hearings specified by the Act. 

The EAP was formally submitted to the Secretary of State for approval on March 16, 2018.  The Secretary of State approved the EAP with modifications on March 30, 2018, making San Mateo County’s EAP the official plan for the administration of elections under the California Voter’s Choice Act.  After holding the June 5, 2018 Statewide Primary Election under the EAP, we are amending the plan to improve the experience for voters during the November 6, 2018 Statewide General Election.  Voting hours at Four-day Vote Centers will be extended, and more drop boxes will be added for voter convenience.  We will also change a few Vote Center locations for improved service.

I want to personally thank the voters of this county and all the stakeholders that have participated in the development of the Voter’s Choice Act Election Administration Plan for their dedication and commitment to expanding voting opportunities for all.  Please contact the Registration and Elections Division at 650.312.5222 or registrar@smcacre.org should you have any questions regarding the Voter’s Choice Act or our EAP.


Mark Church