On August 22, 2014, the California Secretary of State published California Secretary of State’s Guide to Creating a Local Voting Accessibility Advisory Committee (VAAC) providing guidance to counties on the formation of local VAAC committees. In cooperation with the San Mateo County Commission on Disabilities, the Registration & Elections Division founded the San Mateo County VAAC in 2015.

The San Mateo County VAAC members represent agencies and organizations within San Mateo County. The VAAC is required to hold quarterly meetings; it often chooses to meet more often to meet its responsibilities.


The VAAC encourages citizen participation and provides valuable information to the Registration & Elections Division on county-wide voting accessibility matters affecting individuals with disabilities and seniors.


VAAC members have provided key input into our elections process. The San Mateo County VAAC has participated in reviewing Vote by Mail envelopes, researching alternative voting options, advocating for increased public transportation options during Election Day, and contributed to several other Registration & Elections Division initiatives.

Committee Members
Name Organization Email
Michael Levinson San Mateo County Paratransit Coordinating Council mlbfiles@gmail.com
Craig McCulloh Community Member Leave of absence
Benjamin McMullan The Center for Independence of Individuals with Disabilities (CID) benjaminm@cidsanmateo.org
Fred Nisen Disability Rights California (DRC) Fred.Nisen@disabilityrightsca.org
Wilhelmina Riley San Mateo County Paratransit Coordinating Council rileythomas075@gmail.com
Sarah Verity AbilityPath sverity@abilitypath.org
Prospective Members

If you are a person with a disability, senior or work for an agency or organization which provides services for people with disabilities or seniors, and you are interested in serving on the VAAC, we invite you to attend a meeting.

View the VAAC application form here. Please contact the Registration & Elections Division, at 650.312.5222 or registrar@smcacre.gov with any questions or comments.

VAAC Archived Agendas & Meeting Minutes California Secretary of State’s Guide to Creating a Local Voting Accessibility Advisory Committee (VAAC) VAAC application form PDF